Reflections and Meditation on Beauty in Church Buildings

Church beauty is hotly contested in the USA. Evangelicals, megachurches, and home church folk argue that the Word, movement of the Spirit, sermons, and Holy Scripture is all you need. Perhaps a modern band and a bongo drum. With that, the location and the holiness or beauty is less relevant. For anyone who has been to these types of churches, especially in a warehouse, strip mall, or theatre knows this is a fair representation. It also matches their nervousness of anything too old or formal. On the other end we have various traditional catholics and mainliners, who focus much more on Holiness, sanctity, sacraments, and tradition. Chapels, Cathedrals, and sanctuaries should uplift the spirit, help one be in the mood to worship, and aid in approach of holiness. Music should be reverent, ...